The Portentous Connection Human Values + Human Effectiveness Joel Câmara What wakes you up in the middle of the night? How do you wake up and, above all, how do you... CONTINUE READING
Lead YOU YOURSELF YOUR CHANGE!!! Joel Câmara Who can do it but yourself??? I have a mantra that accompanies me... CONTINUE READING
Which road do you take? Joel Câmara It was 2003, and I was traveling to China for work. It was the flight... CONTINUE READING
The Exciting Challenge/Art of Making Effective Choices and Decisions Joel Câmara The question "After all, what do you really want?" throws us into an arena of wide... CONTINUE READING
The Thought-Provoking Existential Question Joel Câmara In our existence, we are "condemned" to the freedom of being and doing, and, as an obvious consequence,... CONTINUE READING